Monday, June 15, 2009

My Space

My husband says I say too much friend tells me I give too much eye contact to other people.
It's my blog, I'll do what I want.(sorry careful, I could put you in here) Especially now, with what is going on in my life, I need a place to vent.
My mom has been living with us and while it's been extremely stressful and sad at times I feel very good about it. I am proud of myself. There, I said it. I'm proud of myself for taking care of her. It gets very overwhelming at times. She needs help bathing and getting around. I am preparing all her meals and making sure she is taking the correct medication at the correct time (that in itself is a full time job..17 different medications a day!)
So... this blog is my only space that no one else occupies but me. IT'S MY SPACE!!! Ya think I need therapy?? Oh, it's a long story!! I haven't even had time to sit at the computer in days...I snuck off to write this while my daughter is in a class here at the library.
Sorry to those of you whom I regularly comment on your blogs...I am swamped right now. I am constantly running from mom's appointments (did I mention the infected tooth that needed to be pulled on Friday)to errands and the kids appointments etc..
My oldest daughter had to "babysit" my mom when I leave because mom can't be left alone. I know I will look back on this time wondering how I am managing right now, but I am in this weird "zone" I guess I would call it. Just doing what needs to get done.
This is MY SPACE...I'm just saying what I want.


  1. I agree this is your space and you do whatever you want! Thats how I am with my blog and it really makes me feel better to get thing off my chest :) Stopping by from SITS

    Also, I wanted to invite you to my raffle on Spirit Jump. $1 for 1 ticket and each week (starting Sundays) we have new prizes like airline tickets, grills, jewelry...All $ goes to fight cancer.
    Twitter @spiritjump

  2. thank you!! i'll check it out!!

  3. You're right, you need a place to vent. We all do, but right now, with all you have going on, you REALLY need a place to vent. You'll be in my thoughts. Don't forget to take care of you!
